Whether you’re a restaurant, café/coffee shop, bar or hotel (or any other hospitality venue for that matter) you will want to make the most of your real estate with the best possible restaurant furniture. With so many dining options available to customers these days, competition is fierce and so you will want to make the most out of your premises to ensure your customers are provided with the best experience possible. And, of course, any restaurant owner will want their space to be filled to the brim with happy customers. However, there is an art to making the most of your venue without cramming your customers in like battery hens! It’s such a delicate balancing act, so read on to see our hints and tips for maximizing your restaurant furniture space.
First impressions count
To drive home the illusion of making your front of house space look bigger, choose light paint colors and any fabrics. Remember, this is the first area your potential diners will see and if from the outside looking in, they aren’t taken, they may decide to carry on walking, not even stepping foot inside. It’s important to make sure your restaurant furniture is in good condition with your finest pieces nearest the front – Paying customers will not be enticed by old beaten chairs and scratched table tops.
Size really does matter
Different venues and brands all have different needs and won’t all want to portray the same vibe. For example, in an informal setting or fast food establishment, throughput is extremely high, whereas at the other end of the spectrum your fine dining establishments promote a long and exquisite environment and so the layout of these venues will be entirely different.
Within the latter, you can bet your bottom dollar customers won’t want to be packed in like sardines. It’s important diners feel comfortable in their surroundings and for you create an atmosphere that is open, friendly and spacious — even if your venue isn’t made up of the square footage of your dreams. Whereas in a fast food environment you can afford for the distance between tables to be closer and less comfy. Banquet seating works particularly well in this type of venue.
Obviously, the size of your venue will dictate how many diners your venue can comfortably seat. However, it’s recommended that each diner is given about 600mm in width, with diners each being separated by at least one person’s width. It’s advised that there should be around 700-800m of space between restaurants/walls to ensure your customers have enough space to comfortably push their chairs back and walk through the venue.
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