

2020 Chinese restaurant takeaway scale will exceed 650 billion yuan


According to data from iiMedia Research, 95.0% of the catering businesses surveyed indicated that the store's revenue declined significantly during the epidemic, and more than half of the catering businesses surveyed suffered a decline in turnover. Faced with the reduction in passenger flow during the epidemic and pressure from store rents, turning to the line and embracing third-party takeaway platforms has become the mainstream choice for catering businesses to save themselves. Online restaurants as the main battlefield accounted for 78.0% of catering businesses, an increase of 63.1 percentage points compared with before the outbreak.

The interviewed restaurant merchants generally recognized the drainage effect of the third-party takeaway platform during the epidemic. About 70% of the interviewed merchants revealed that they will continue to stay on the takeaway platform after the epidemic and increase their investment in takeaway business. Ai Media Consulting analysts believe that the epidemic will force traditional industries to accelerate their transformation online, and the products and formats in the takeaway market will be more diverse. With the continuous upgrade of the quality service on the supply side of the takeaway market and the continuous strengthening of the consumption habits of the takeaway on the demand side, the scale of the takeaway market is expected to continue to expand. It is expected that the market size will exceed 650 billion yuan in 2020. In the future, refined operational capabilities and high-quality service capabilities will become important factors for consumers and catering merchants to focus on when choosing a third-party takeaway platform.

The following is an excerpt from the report:

Economic environment: The catering industry is hindered by the epidemic situation in the short term, but the long-term upward trend remains unchanged

Catering consumption is an important force for domestic consumption, and plays a significant supporting role in promoting economic growth. Affected by the new crown epidemic in 2020, the catering industry was hit hard. From January to February, the national catering industry revenue was 419.4 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 43.1%. In response to the impact of the epidemic, many catering merchants have opened take-out services for self-help. Ai Media Consulting analysts believe that the new crown epidemic will not only impact the catering industry but also drive the transformation and upgrading of the catering market. With the local epidemic situation under control, catering consumption is expected to recover gradually, and the catering industry will return to a long-term upward trend.

Policy environment: multiple policies help the catering industry, and the pace of industry recovery is expected to accelerate

In order to help the catering enterprises to overcome difficulties in order to stabilize employment and promote consumption, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the State Administration of Taxation, the People ’s Bank of China and other departments / institutions have provided policy support from multiple levels of finance, taxation and social security. Ai Media Consulting analysts believe that most catering companies have weak risk response capabilities, and the strong support of national policies will help alleviate the pressure on catering companies. Local government issuing consumer vouchers and the "leading" consumption of officials will help boost consumer confidence. Driven by policies and markets, the recovery of the catering industry is expected to accelerate.

The scale and forecast of merchants in the Chinese catering industry

According to iiMedia Research data, from 2015 to 2019, the average annual compound growth rate of the number of Chinese catering businesses was about 35.8%. By 2019, the number of Chinese catering businesses will reach 11.075 million. Ai Media Consulting analysts believe that due to the epidemic, the number of merchants in the catering industry will decline in 2020, but existing merchants will accelerate their efforts online, and the number of active takeaway merchants is expected to increase.

The scale of China's online takeaway market will exceed 650 billion yuan in 2020

According to data from iiMedia Research, the online food delivery market reached 577.93 billion yuan in 2019, a year-on-year increase of 36.0%. Ai Media Consulting analysts believe that the epidemic will force traditional industries to accelerate their transformation online, and the products and formats in the takeaway market will be more diverse. Under the two-way effect of supply and demand in the takeaway market, the scale of the takeaway market is expected to continue to expand, and it is expected that the market size will exceed 650 billion yuan in 2020.

Note: AiMedia Consulting will adjust and optimize the market size prediction model in combination with the social and economic development environment.

The epidemic has a greater impact on catering merchants, and over 90% of merchants are facing operating pressure

According to data from iiMedia Research, 95.0% of the catering businesses surveyed indicated that the store's revenue declined significantly during the epidemic, and more than half of the businesses surveyed suffered a decline in turnover. Ai Media Consulting analysts believe that offline operation is the mainstream business model of catering merchants. The decrease in the number of people going out during the epidemic is the root cause of the large-scale damage to the catering industry.

Over 60% of the interviewed catering businesses believe that passenger flow and rent pressure are the biggest difficulties during the epidemic

According to data from iiMedia Research, during the epidemic, the biggest difficulties faced by over 60% of catering businesses were the reduction of offline passenger flow and the pressure of store rents. Nearly 50% of the businesses faced the problem of employees not being able to work. Ai Media Consulting analysts believe that catering businesses are mainly small and medium-sized enterprises, and their risk resistance is weak. The reduction of offline passenger flow directly affects the company ’s cash flow. The risk of capital chain breakage is increased. Coupled with high rigid costs such as store rents, the company ’s survival is suffering test.

Nearly 80% of the catering businesses interviewed took the All in online method during the outbreak

According to iiMedia Research data, after the epidemic occurred, consumers stayed at home to prevent epidemics and dine-outs were generally shut down. They turned online and became the choice of catering businesses, with catering businesses using online as the main battlefield accounting for 78.0%, which is more serious The previous increase was 63.1 percentage points. Ai Media Consulting analysts believe that for catering businesses that have previously conducted business online, it is less difficult to adapt to the adjustment of business methods, and businesses that have never operated online face many challenges.

During the epidemic, the requirements for large and medium-sized catering businesses to transform online are more urgent

According to data from iiMedia Research, 12.7% of the surveyed businesses that conducted online business during the epidemic had not previously conducted online business, including 26.7% of large businesses, 63.3% of medium businesses, and small businesses 10.0%. Ai Media Consulting analysts believe that the rigid costs borne by large and medium-sized catering businesses during the epidemic far exceed that of small catering businesses, and there is an urgent need to open up channels to share costs, resulting in the addition of large and medium-sized businesses.

Multi-measures are used for self-help, and catering businesses are more focused on open source through take-out

According to the data from iiMedia Research, in the face of the challenges brought by the epidemic, in line with the principle of self-rescue of open source and throttling, catering merchants generally adopt multiple measures and use them. to make. Based on their respective measures, catering merchants pay more attention to the implementation of open source measures. Ai Media Consulting analysts believe that although "throttling" has a significant short-term effect, it lacks long-term sustainability, which is not conducive to the stable operation of enterprises. The ultimate meaning of business self-help.

Platform users and delivery services are the first consideration for catering merchants when choosing a third-party takeaway platform

According to data from iiMedia Research, the two most important aspects of catering businesses when choosing a third-party takeaway platform are platform users and distribution services. Among them, users are more important factors for catering businesses, accounting for nearly 60%. The proportion of subdivided elements exceeds 40%.

More than 50% of the interviewed catering merchants believe that the advantages of entering a third-party takeaway platform during the epidemic outweigh the disadvantages

According to data from iiMedia Research, when evaluating the overall pros and cons of third-party food delivery platforms, the overall evaluation of medium-sized catering merchants is higher, and over 70% believe that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Ai Media Consulting analysts believe that compared with large catering businesses and small catering businesses, medium-sized catering businesses have both brand and flexibility, which can not only quickly and flexibly launch the takeaway business, but also use the brand effect to enhance the competitiveness of takeaway business The utility is relatively high.

Online marketing / digitalization / improving user needs are the three main directions for the takeaway restaurant business to improve its operations in the future

According to iiMedia Research data, the interviewed food and beverage merchants are generally not satisfied with their operating efficiency, and believe that they still need to be improved and improved in the future. The improvement directions are mainly concentrated in three aspects: strengthen online marketing promotion, improve User demand satisfaction and the use of digital technology. For the catering industry, the epidemic is more like a touchstone, which accelerates the industry's reshuffle and elimination, but also allows more catering merchants to examine their own shortcomings and the importance and urgency of using the digital technology of the takeaway platform to transform and upgrade. In the future, the depth and breadth of third-party takeaway platforms to empower businesses will be strengthened, which will help improve the overall operating efficiency of the catering industry, and the value of takeaway platforms will be further highlighted.

During the epidemic, Meituan's takeaway first launched "contactless distribution" to lead the standardized development of the catering takeout industry

In order to reduce the risk of epidemic transmission and ensure consumer safety, the take-out platform has transformed the delivery service model in a timely manner and has been recognized by many parties. Meituan Takeaway launched the "Contactless Delivery" program in Wuhan on January 26, and has been followed and promoted nationwide. Ai Media Consulting analysts believe that the transformation of the head platform distribution service model highlights its strong insight and responsiveness, which depends on the platform's strong technical resource scheduling capabilities. The rise of contactless delivery services will promote the development of standardized food delivery services and preheat the transformation and upgrading of the food and beverage industry.

Are you hungry / Meituan takeaways have launched business support measures to help restaurant merchants resume production and production

Are you hungry on January 30 and released the "Five Decisions"? On February 2, Meituan took out seven assistance policies to help catering merchants get through the hardships. The subsequent two major platforms have repeatedly upgraded and supported measures to help merchants resume operations from multiple dimensions such as funds, flow, and services. Ai Media Consulting analysts believe that the platform's recovery support policy during the epidemic injects stimulants into the catering enterprises, which demonstrates the platform's social responsibility. According to the data currently reported in public, Meituan's take-out has a more significant effect on helping merchants' funds and flow, and merchants feel more.

The epidemic has a greater impact on dine-in, and well-known catering merchants have embraced the takeaway platform

During the epidemic, governments in many places across the country demanded the abolition of dinning, and traditional offline catering was seriously damaged. Many well-known catering companies quickly made adjustments, optimized operation models, embraced third-party takeaway platforms, and turned to the online market. Ai Media Consulting analysts believe that the cooperation between well-known catering brands and third-party takeaway platforms is a win-win strategy. Brands can use the takeaway platform to expand revenue sources, and the platform can use the brand to achieve product quality upgrades.

Nanchengxiang —— Takeaway has become the main battlefield, and orders have grown against the trend

Nancheng Xiang, a Beijing-based restaurant chain founded in 2001, started cooperation with Meituan in 2015. With the help of the traffic dividend in the take-out market, the company's revenue has increased rapidly for two consecutive years, and the proportion of take-out business has risen to 50%. In 2020, during the epidemic, in order to achieve business operation and brand building, Nancheng Xiang took the takeaway business as the main battlefield, actively participated in the "Anxin Restaurant" plan of Meituan takeout, and with the support of Meituan takeout flow support and the contactless distribution team , Takeaway orders quickly returned to 70% of the previous year. In late February 2020, Nancheng Xiang's order volume increased by 69% compared with that in early February. As the platform continues to be exposed, the average daily order is expected to increase from 6,000 orders to 8,000 orders. Ai Media Consulting analysts believe that Nanchengxiang's growth during the epidemic is inseparable from the flow and multi-faceted support of the takeaway platform, setting an example for the recovery of other catering companies.

Grandma's House-Laoyaji was born in adversity, betting on takeaway

Grandma's new brand "Laoyaji" was soon hit by the epidemic. During the Spring Festival, the group almost closed all its stores, but only retained the Laoyaji's take-out business. With the help of the take-out platform, the unit quickly recovered the dine-in period and showed a trend of overtaking. Ai Media Consulting analysts believe that most traditional catering brands are dominated by dinning, with a single business structure and limited ability to resist risks. The new model of online and offline collaborative development of Laoyaji not only shows the market the importance of omni-channel development, but also highlights the huge potential of the catering brand's standardization road.

Xiaolongkan-"Takeaway + Live Broadcast" fancy self-help, expand the new scene of hot pot consumption

Xiaolongkan Old Hotpot is a catering brand born in Chengdu in 2014. Relying on the franchise model, it has achieved rapid expansion in just 5 years. By the end of 2019, it had more than 800 stores nationwide. Although Xiaolongkan deployed the takeaway business earlier, it mainly focused on hot pot dishes (risk dishes) and did not launch hot pot takeout. The outbreak of the new crown epidemic in 2020 had a huge impact on Xiaolongkan's hot pot business. On January 26, Xiaolongkan closed its stores one after another. As of mid-February, the closure rate was as high as 93%. In order to reduce losses, Xiaolongkan, on the one hand, launched the big hot pot business through the takeaway platform, expanding the category and improving the gross profit margin of single products; on the other hand, increasing the investment in the live broadcast platform, accelerating the retailing of fast-moving consumer products, and constantly expanding the new scene of hot pot consumption.

Cha Yanyue——Accelerate the layout of takeaway business to make up for the shortcomings of a single business model

Chayan Yuese was established in mid-2014 and is a Changsha tea beverage brand integrating R & D, production and sales. With its unique Chinese style theme and excellent tastes, the brand popularity and reputation have been steadily increasing, and it has gradually developed into a new gourmet landmark in Changsha. Before 2020, the business model of Cha Yan Yue Se was mainly based on offline direct sales, and a large number of stores were opened in the Changsha Central Business District and crowded areas through dense distribution to ensure brand exposure and quality management. The outbreak of the epidemic accelerated the delivery process of Cha Yan Yue Se. On February 20, the tea Yan Yue Se was launched on 13 platforms, and the first day sales were hot. On March 4, 24 takeaways were launched. , Takeaway products increased from the original 4 models to 14 models.

2020 China Food Delivery Market Development Trend Research and Future Outlook

The epidemic catalyzes the transformation and upgrading of the traditional catering industry, and merchants will pay more attention to the integration of online and offline development

During the epidemic, a large number of merchants passively or actively made changes or adjustments to the business model, and had a new understanding and thinking about online business. Many merchants even gained unexpected joy through the online takeaway market. Ai Media Consulting analysts believe that although the epidemic has hit the entire catering industry, but more importantly, it has accelerated the penetration of digital technology in the catering industry, and made more catering businesses aware of the importance and urgency of transformation and upgrading. In the future, catering merchants will pay more attention to the integrated development of online and offline, and more actively embrace digital technology to drive the upgrade and development of the catering industry.

Large-scale catering brands launch online business to drive quality upgrade in the takeaway market

The epidemic has opened up a new world for some large catering brands. With the deep-rooted brands and word-of-mouth of the company, they quickly attracted traffic after going online and opened up room for revenue growth. Ai Media Consulting analysts believe that after the epidemic, large-scale catering brands are expected to increase their investment in takeout business, such as product design and new product R & D. Through continuous innovation and transformation, they will find a delivery model suitable for their own development, thereby strengthening and consolidating their own quality. And advantages. As far as takeaway platforms are concerned, they will benefit from the external effects of large catering brands and speed up the process of platform quality upgrade.

The delivery platform has broad development prospects, and refined operations and high-quality services have become the focus of attention

The Chinese catering industry market is huge and has maintained steady growth for a long time, but the penetration rate of the takeaway market in the catering industry is still at a low level.

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