

Australian hot pot restaurant tables and chairs induction cooker table professional manufacturer


Hot pot restaurant tables and chairs induction cooker table professional manufacturer, hot pot table induction cooker drip does not heat, guests waiting to eat hot pot, is it very anxious? This is because your hot pot table induction cooker does not detect the load pot. The basic structure of the hot pot table induction cooker: there is a sensor in the middle of the electromagnetic heating control board and the coil reel, which is glued to the glass plate of the induction cooker with heat dissipation oil. This sensor is used to detect whether the induction cooker has a load. Therefore, if the pan is taken up, the drip will sound. The consumer should be the sensor loose, or the sensor is not good after the fall. Stick to the glass steel plate, if you have passed the warranty period, you can take it apart and check it out, or take it for after-sales maintenance.

Induction cooker hot pot table

    Under normal circumstances, the induction cooker hot pot table is contaminated with oil, there is no problem, so the finish of the hot pot table has been painted, has a certain waterproof effect, the oil is difficult to penetrate into the wooden interior of the table in a short time. Feel free to clean the hot pot table after it is contaminated. You don't have to worry about it. When you encounter dirt or oil stains that are not suitable for cleaning, you can use neutral soap silk with warm water and then wipe with soapy water (warm water can enhance the cleaning ability of the soap), then clean it with moderate temperature water and dry it.

Marble hot pot table

    There are many hot pot franchise stores in the catering market. Due to the large demand, these companies usually look for manufacturers to directly customize the induction cooker table, so that the after-sales treatment It will be more convenient, and the price can be much cheaper. However, many manufacturers nowadays specialize in the production of this type of products. The quality is uneven, and some even have no relevant qualifications. They only rely on low prices to attract customers. When consumers choose such manufacturers, what conditions should they meet to be a reliable manufacturer?

Induction Cooker Hot Pot Dining Table

    Because each hot pot restaurant is not the same size, in order to truly meet the needs of the store, it is necessary to go to the door for inspection, and according to the actual situation, issued a flat layout. If it is a chain-operated brand, the demand for custom retro induction cooker hot pot tables is relatively large, so as to ensure the uniformity of style. Manufacturers with better qualifications will be delivered to the door free of charge, and placed according to the original floor plan, the merchant does not need to do it. Because this product is small and generous, it can make full use of space and increase the utilization of storefront. Professional manufacturer of hot pot restaurant tables and chairs induction cooker table In general, the finer the gear position of the induction cooker hot pot table used in the hot pot restaurant, the smaller the power consumption of the induction cooker hot pot table. Because the position of the induction cooker is sufficiently thin, the use of the customer can find the most suitable gear to cook the food. Instead of using high power instead.

Marble hot pot table

    Moreover, when the cooker hot pot table is working, the heat will not only be transmitted to the table body, but also to the inside of the induction cooker machine. For the invisible cooker hot pot table, the machine part embedded inside the table body has no way to effectively dissipate heat, so that the induction cooker When starting work, the temperature inside the furnace chamber will be too high, which will eventually affect the normal operation of the original electron price, and will accelerate the aging of the induction cooker.

Solid wood hot pot table

     For the hot pot restaurant, the induction cooker hot pot table is just the need in the furniture. We must purchase a batch of induction cooker hot pot table, but the general finished induction cooker hot pot table can not meet the requirements of hot pot restaurant, so we will choose the induction cooker hot pot table wholesale, which is also the advantage of the induction cooker hot pot table, the induction cooker hot pot table wholesale can be completely According to the needs of the hot pot restaurant, tailor-made wholesale, including size, style and other aspects. In addition, in terms of energy efficiency, the induction cooker hot pot table is much higher than the open fire hot pot table, which is more energy efficient. Induction cooker hot pot table is more than 90% in energy utilization, while the general open fire table energy utilization rate is not higher than 50%. From the perspective of long-term operating costs, the operating cost of the hot pot table using the induction cooker hot pot table is naturally lower.

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