

Canteen dining table and chair manufacturing supplier


Lead: Canteen meal seat manufacturing factory in Guangzhou. According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, China's catering revenue reached 427.16 billion yuan last year, an increase of 9.5%.

Integrating Chinese elements and actively participating in public welfare activities is an important way for foreign fast food companies to increase brand viscosity. Today, the source restaurant furniture will take you to know.

Recently, KFC opened the country's first "Lei Feng theme" restaurant in Changsha, Hunan Province. The Changsha Leifeng Memorial Hall awarded the restaurant the title of "Study Lei Feng Co-construction Base".

The American store hits "Lei Feng", and the Chinese and Western are combined to instantly ignite the topic.

"Lei Feng theme" restaurant store to show the image of Lei Feng, Lei Feng diary, famous sayings

KFC opens the country's first Lei Feng theme restaurant, which will launch the Lei Feng fire plan

The entire "Lei Feng theme" restaurant layout is refreshing. From the store to the outside of the store, Lei Feng’s image, Lei Feng’s diary, and famous sayings were displayed. The vivid and cute “Lei Xiaofeng” Wenchuang doll attracted many people to stop taking photos.

Canteen meal seat manufacturing factory Guangzhou--themed restaurant

In this regard, the general manager of the KFC Hunan market said that Lei Feng is a model for us to learn from generation to generation. As a food and beverage brand deeply rooted in the Chinese market, KFC will vigorously promote the spirit of Lei Feng and become the successor of the new era Lei Feng spirit.

In addition to creating the "Lei Feng Spirit" theme restaurant, KFC will also carry out the "Leifeng Fire K Project" based on the province, transforming more than 250 KFC restaurants in the province into a "love station" for the sanitation workers to provide a resting place and drinking water. Normalize the learning of Lei Feng activities.

Liu Yan, deputy director of the Hunan Lei Feng Memorial Hall, said that the “Lei Feng Spirit” theme restaurant has entered the hearts of ordinary people through lively and lively methods. This is the inheritance and promotion of Lei Feng spirit.

Foreign fast food giants integrate Chinese elements, behind the growth of China's food and beverage consumer market

At the launch of the "Lei Feng Spirit" theme restaurant, KFC said that after entering China for more than 30 years, adhering to the "based on China, integration into life" development concept, KFC opened a variety of theme restaurants with Chinese characteristics, or pay tribute to tradition, or inherit culture.

China is an important market for KFC. According to the earnings report released by Yum! China, KFC’s system sales in the fourth quarter of last year increased by 9%. By the end of 2018, KFC had more than 5,900 restaurants in more than 1,200 cities and towns in China.

According to the "2018 World Food in China" report released by the China Cuisine Association last November, as of September 2018, more than 80 countries have established more than 400,000 international gourmet restaurants in China, with an annual average rate of over 25%. Rapid growth.

Canteen meal seat manufacturing factory Guangzhou--catering consumer market

Behind the integration of Chinese elements into the local area by foreign catering companies is China's growing catering consumption. According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, China's catering revenue reached 427.16 billion yuan last year, an increase of 9.5%.

Integrating Chinese elements and actively participating in public welfare activities is an important way for foreign fast food companies to increase brand viscosity.

But this also means that the competition in the Chinese food and beverage market is getting more and more intense!

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